Blazette Booster Club 2024-2025
Chair Nici Akins-Keller
Co-Chair Tara Blonigen
Secretary Tiffany Liebert
Treasurer Holly Legorreta
Co-Treasurer Amy Alschlager
Blazette Event Chairs 2024-2025
Clothing Jessica Ruiz
Costumes Katja Anderson & Michele Steglich Winter Invitational Tara Blonigen & Nici Akins-Keller
Youth Clinic Holly Legorreta & Nici Akins-Keller
Sponsors Scott Determan
Booster Club Membership
Team Fundraising & Booster Club Contributions 2024-2025
Fall Season $100 and Winter Season $150
Coaching Staff
The Booster Club funds are used to supplement costs and stipends for both fall and winter coaching staff. This means more individual coaching for each dancer!
Team Costumes & Equipment
The costumes are purchased and provided with the support of the Booster Club’s fundraising efforts throughout the season.
Burnsville Dance Team Promotion and Team Activities
The Booster Club organizes many events for both the team’s support and for family fun! See the calendar highlights for some of the activities.
All Parents Welcome and Encouraged to Become Members
Each family is asked to contribute $100 per dancer for Fall 2024 season & $150 per dancer for Winter 2024-2025 to cover expenses that the booster club provides for your dancer. The organization is guided by the Blazette By-laws and operates under an annual budget.
Team Fundraising
The team relies on volunteer participation for successful fundraising to cover the rest of the costs for coaching and costumes provided by the booster club for the benefit of all dancers. Wreath sales, sponsored restaurant nights and grocery bagging are some fundraising options.
Blazette Fall Clinic
The clinic is a fundraiser for the Booster Club but its main purpose is to continue to build the Blazette program by developing interest from young dancers in the community. The Blazettes teach dancers in K-8 choreography and then perform with them at a home football game.
Blazette Dance Team Invitational
This winter season event is a competition hosted by the Blazette Booster Club for teams from across the state. This is a huge event, which requires the participation of all families. All parents are needed for setup the night before the event.