Fall Blazette Captains
Emma Legorreta
Fall Blazette Captain
EMMA LEGORRETA is a 4-year senior Blazette. Emma began dancing in kindergarten and has fallen more in love with it ever since. She spent 10 years at Footsteps Dance Studio where she trained in tap, jazz, high-kick, lyrical, and hip-hop. She has competed as a varsity jazz and high kick dancer. Her favorite memory from the team was the fun sleepovers at Anoka and at Just for Kicks camp.
She is currently getting her CNA certification and discovering if she wants to go into a nursing or a physical therapy career.

Fall Blazette Captain
Isabella Meemken
ISABELLA MEEMKEN is a 5-year senior Blazette. Bella started dancing when she was one and a half years old at Julianne’s Dance Center. Continuing with her studio, Bella has also done gymnastics, cheerleading, and
finally found her love in Blazettes. One of her favorite memories is at her first JFK, she and a couple of other “OG Rookies” hung out all together when the coaches and other dancers were having a meeting.
During her free time, Bella hangs out with her friends, plays her viola in the school's orchestra, and spends time with family members, such as her two mini-Blazette sisters, Clara and Hailey.

Mya Arellano
Fall Blazette Captain
MYA ARELLANO is a 4-year junior Blazette. Mya fell in love with dance the day she tried out for the
Burnsville Blazette Dance Team. Mya loves the positive environment and making life-long friendships. Dance has always been an escape for her, and she likes keeping her body healthy and fit. Some of her favorite
memories on the Blazettes have been JFK camp every year. JFK continues to nurture not only her technique and strength, but also her drive and relationship when it comes to dance. When the BDT is not in season, she continues to dance at Headline Dance Center and Next Step Dance Studio.
In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, specifically going out to eat.

Fall Blazette Captain